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Bocconi Test Online: 5 Tips to Enhance Your Test-Taking Strategy

bocconi test online

Are you planning to take the Bocconi test online for Bocconi University undergraduate programs and feeling unsure about how to prepare effectively? With more students opting for the Bocconi test online, it’s crucial to develop a strategy that ensures you’re ready to excel on test day. Here are five tips to help you enhance your test-taking strategy, optimize your preparation, and approach the test with confidence.

1. Understand the Undergraduate Bocconi Test Structure and Format

Before diving into preparation, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the structure of the Bocconi test online. It’s so important, we wrote about it here.

The test consists of multiple-choice questions that assess your skills in various areas, including mathematical reasoning, numerical reasoning, reading comprehension, and critical thinking skills. There are 50 questions to complete in 75 minutes (so 1.5 minutes per question on average).

Here’s a breakdown:

bocconi test breakdown

Understanding this structure will help you plan your approach and allocate your time effectively. Knowing what to expect will minimize surprises on test day and allow you to focus on performing your best.

Pro Tip: Check out this complete overview from Bocconi University to get a detailed understanding of the test format, including the number of questions, topics for each type of question, and the types of questions you’ll face.

2. Create a Realistic Study Schedule

We’ve all read about some dude on Reddit that took the Bocconi Test on a whim and scored a 48 out 50?


Well, we think that preparation is more controllable than luck, so we think you should actually prepare for the test to make sure you have done everything you could to get your best score.

Preparing for the Bocconi test online requires discipline and a well-organized study plan. Begin by assessing how much time you have before the test date and then create a study schedule that breaks down your preparation into manageable chunks.

Allocate specific days for different sections of the test, ensuring that you balance your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you’re stronger in reading comprehension but struggle with mathematical questions, devote more time to improving your math skills.

Include regular breaks in your study schedule to prevent burnout, and set milestones to track your progress. Remember, consistency is key! Regular, focused study sessions are more effective than cramming at the last minute.

How long should each study session be?

Ideally, 75-90 FOCUSED minutes. That’s as long as the test and will build your stamina for test day. It doesn’t really make sense to study for longer. Oh and focused, means FOCUSED: no phone, no chatting to your brother, no playing with your dog. Just questions for 75-90 minutes.

Pro Tip: We usually recommend students plan to study on the weekends for a minimum of six weeks. Yes, it can be done in less time…but…if you have the time, plan ahead and do study with ease. Need a tutor to help you prepare? WhatsApp us below!

3. Practice with the Bocconi Test simulation

One of the most effective ways to prepare for the Bocconi test online is to practice with test simulations. Simulated tests mimic the actual test environment, helping you get comfortable with the online format, time constraints, and question types. This practice will also help you build the stamina needed to stay focused for the duration of the test.

Bocconi offers two simulations online here.

The simulations are a little easier than the actual Bocconi test but the questions closely resemble the actual test format. After completing each simulation, review your performance to identify areas where you need improvement. That means also reworking every wrong and blank question. This will give you a realistic idea of your strengths and weaknesses and help you fine-tune your strategy.

Pro Tip: Study first then complete the first simulation. Save the second simulation for your second attempt at the Bocconi Test.

4. Master Time Management Techniques

Time management is crucial when taking the Bocconi test online. With a limited amount of time for each section, it’s easy to get stuck on challenging questions and run out of time. To avoid this, practice using time management techniques that will help you stay on track during the test.

One effective technique is selective skipping. If you know you have issues with the timing, decide ahead of time that you will skip 2 to 3 questions on the test. When you come to a question that you have no idea about, skip it rather than spending 5 minutes only to get it wrong. This approach ensures you maximize your score by answering as many questions as possible in the time allotted.

The Bocconi Test is not sorted by order of difficulty, so an easy question may be after a hard question.

Additionally, consider setting mini-deadlines for yourself. For example, aim to complete a certain number of questions within a specific timeframe. This strategy helps you maintain a steady pace and reduces the likelihood of running out of time.

Pro Tip: Use a timer while practicing to get accustomed to the pressure of working within time limits. Over time, you’ll develop a natural rhythm and improve your speed and accuracy. Here are some “drills” we do with our students:

  • 1 question in 2 minutes (even for the reading comprehension)
  • 5 questions in 10 minutes
  • 5 questions in 7 minutes (forcing you to make quick decision)

5. Optimize Your Test Environment

Since you’ll be taking the Bocconi test online, optimizing your test environment is essential. Choose a quiet, distraction-free space with a reliable internet connection. Ensure that your computer or device meets the technical requirements for the test, and familiarize yourself with the platform you’ll be using.

On test day, make sure you have everything you need within reach, including water, scratch paper (2 pieces), and any other allowed materials. Consider doing a trial run in your chosen test environment to ensure that everything is in order and to identify any potential issues beforehand.

You can take the Bocconi Test any time on your chosen test day. We recommend that students do their set up (it’s pretty complicated) the night before or when they wake up. Then, go eat breakfast and chill a bit. Around 10 am, you should be ready to take the test.

Pro Tip: Inform those around you about your test schedule to minimize interruptions. Additionally, disable notifications on your computer and phone to prevent distractions during the test. You wouldn’t want you test to be canceled because someone walked in the room.

Also, don’t talk to yourself during test. =)

Boost Your Confidence and Performance for the Bocconi Test Online

Taking the Bocconi test online may seem daunting, but with the right strategy and preparation, you can set yourself up for success. By understanding the test structure, creating a realistic study schedule, practicing with simulations, mastering time management, and optimizing your test environment, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the test with confidence.

Remember, preparation is the key to achieving a great score. Start early and stay consistent. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions about Bocconi Test Online

Is the undergraduate Bocconi test online?

Yes, the Bocconi test is online. You can register on the testing platform:

You will select a test date and you can take the test any time during that day.

How difficult is the Bocconi test?

The Bocconi test can be difficult. It is mostly math based (34 out of 50 questions), so if math is not your “jam” then you may have a hard time with the Bocconi test. We recommend trying the simulation to see. If you score over 25, it will be easier for you to increase your score than if you score under 25.

What is a good score for the Bocconi online test?

The undergraduate Bocconi test is score out of 50. A good score is 30, while a competitive score is 35. We have had students be accepted with lower scores, but it is getting harder because the average scores are incre

How to practice for the Bocconi test?

We wrote a bunch of stuff about practicing for the Bocconi test here. You can find worksheets to do here.

Is SAT easier than Bocconi test?

Despite everything you have read online, we–as tutors who teach both the Bocconi Test and SAT–think that the Bocconi Test is harder for some students, while the SAT is harder for others. Here’s what we wrote about it.

Can I use a calculator during the Bocconi test?

You cannot use a calculator during the undergraduate Bocconi test. It’s good old fashioned pencil and paper. You get 2 sheets of blank paper and you can use the front and back.

Is there negative marking in Bocconi test?

Yes there is negative marking on the Bocconi test. Most incorrect answers cost you 0.2 points. However, there are 2 critical thinking true/false questions that will cost you 0.33 points if you get them wrong because there are only 3 answer choices (true/false/not given).

Get the Advantage on the Bocconi Test!

Whatsapp us to chat with an instructor with more than 15 years of experience teaching test preparation to students just like you. Our one-on-one private tutoring will help you gain the confidence you need to boost your score!

Want to know more first? Check out how we recommend studying for the Bocconi test.

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