We think you should study for the GRE first but take the IELTS first. Confused yet? Good! We’ll explain this test planning strategy that will help streamline your overall preparation.
IELTS or GRE First? Study for the GRE First!
Studying for the GRE is a marathon, not a sprint. You have to cover lots of math concepts, everything from basic number properties to geometry.
And don’t even get us started on the GRE verbal…
It’s a beast.
You’ll have to learn Greek and Latin root words, practice tons of reading passages, and STILL need a bit of luck to do well when the time comes. Even with an amazing tutor!
Then there are the essays…
You don’t need an amazing score BUT you do need to make the process of writing them easy because the essays are the first 1 hour of the nearly 4-hour test. Bomb the essays and your morale is shot for the rest of the test.
So yeah, there is a lot to study. GRE prep usually takes from 2 to 4 months depending on your intensity of study. We recommend 4 months because that gives you time to do lots of practice tests. You’ll need lots of full-length practice to get used to the alternating quantitative and verbal sections as well as the 4-hour length.
IELTS or GRE First? Take the IELTS First!
Studying for the IELTS does not take nearly as long. There is also no math because the IELTS is a test of English as a foreign language, not an admissions test like the GRE.
Here’s our recommendation:
Once you finish preparing for the content of the GRE verbal, do IELTS practice tests. Pay close attention to the listening and speaking sections practice because these skills are not included in what you have already studied.
Go take the IELTS.
The Academic IELTS is offered just about every Saturday at many locations around Dubai, so you don’t need to wait long. We recommend taking the IELTS after two weeks of practice testing. Take between two and four tests, then go!
Why Our Strategy Works
We use this strategy with just about every GRE student that we teach. Here’s why the strategy works:
1. You are already prepared for the reading and writing from your GRE prep.
GRE reading and writing are definitely harder than IELTS reading and writing. Once you have prepared for that part of the GRE, there are only some small changes you need to make when you take the IELTS.
Students who prepare for the GRE with us get this IELTS help FREE (yes! FREE!):
- IELTS essay templates
- IELTS essay examples
- Grading your IELTS practice test essays
- Strategy discussion for both IELTS reading and writing
If you don’t do private GRE tutoring with us, you will have to pay to have someone help you with the IELTS (or go it alone).
2. You are in test mode.
You’ve already started studying for the GRE so it’s quite easy to add studying for the IELTS. Two practice tests and you’re done.
3. It reduces the overall study time.
You will not be studying for the IELTS separately, which is what most test centers will want you to do. That way, they can sell you a GRE and IELTS course.
But…let’s be honest…
If you can take the GRE, your level of English is more than high enough to score a band 7.0 or more on the IELTS. Just save your money for GRE preparation, rather than IELTS.
Here’s What Extra Help You Do Need
Listening Preparation
This section is not included on the GRE and it surprises everyone. You have to focus on conversations and talks for an entire 20 minutes (no one does this in real life). The listening is only played one time, so you’ve got to be ready.
We offer FREE listening help for students who prepare for the GRE with us.
Speaking Preparation
Speaking is the MOST underrated section of the IELTS. You think, “I speak English so it should be easy to just have a conversation, right?”
For the IELTS, wrong!
You need to know the format of the speaking section, so you know how the questions will be asked. You’ve got to practice conversing about random topics so that you don’t spend too much time thinking before you answer. You need to be able to prepare a short talk on the spot and nail it.
Developing IELTS speaking skills takes practice. We do all of this for FREE for students who prepare for the GRE with us.
IELTS or GRE first? Study with us for the GRE and get the IELTS help that you need!