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Five Ways to Improve Your Activity Resume’

activity resume

More and more universities are asking students to submit a student or activity resume’.

Like a professional resume’, an activity resume lists your participation in organizations (e.g. Student Council) and any leadership positions you’ve held. Unlike a typical resume’, it doesn’t really list your work experience because it’s unlikely you’ve had any. This document is important, though, because it highlights how well-rounded you are (or aren’t). It also clearly lists your activities, so it’s easier for you to fill out applications.

5 Ways to Improve Your Activity Resume’

In case you’re struggling with the activity resume’, here are 5 ways to improve it.

1. Use the proper format.

It’s still a resume’, so it should be formatted like one. Check our post with sample resume’ formats that you can tailor. In general, you should have the following sections: education, achievements, key activities, other activities, skills, and hobbies.

2. Dig deep.

Think about everything you’ve been involved with over the last 3 or 4 years. In addition, ask your parents, siblings, and friends if they remember your activities. Be sure to think about any leadership positions, contests, or one-day events. Activities in the community or outside of school count, too. If you still don’t have much to write about, provide the details of any personal projects, such as blogs, you might be working on.

3. Get volunteering.

One of the easiest (and most honorable) ways to add more to your resume’ is to volunteer through one of Dubai’s charitable organizations. Check out a list from Time Out Dubai for ideas and contact information. If none of this interests you, get four friends and start your own project. See for how.

4. Add school stuff.

A student resume’ can borrow some characteristics from its older brother the profession resume’, and list interesting or advanced coursework in high school. Took AP or IB courses? Study business communication or management information systems? Great, add it all to your student resume’.

5. Edit your activity resume’.

Not carefully editing their resume’ may be the biggest mistake that all college, graduate school, and job applicants make. Go through each word of your resume’ carefully. Make sure the formatting is appealing but not flashy. Ensure all information is correct. Above all, be consistent. Your spacing may be too wide or your bullets weird, but the document should consistently make the same mistakes rather than being a mixture of incorrect and correct formatting, spelling, etc.

Need help with your activity resume’?

We build and edit student resumes as part of our comprehensive help. Email us at about our comprehensive packages and get assistance with everything. You could be starting university in September instead of attending going away parties for your friends.


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