What makes us experts?
We have a 100% success rate getting students into the LBS Executive MBA Dubai program. Seriously, every student that we work with gets into the program.
How is that possible?
1. We help students through the entire process.
Your application for the LBS EMBA Dubai September intake is holistic. If your entire profile is being evaluated, then you need someone who can actually help you through the entire process. Here’s what we do for students that work with us:
- Strategize with them on how to get a conditional acceptance BEFORE they take any admissions tests.
- Overhaul their resumes and CVs, including making the resume’ one page and results-oriented (this is hard to do!).
- Recommend who should recommend them and create talking points to get the BEST recommendation possible.
- Brainstorm and edit essays (both inside the application and the main admissions essays).
- Advise how to speak with admissions officers.
- Explain how to conquer the Kira interview.
- Prep for the LBS EMBA Zoom interview.
- Teach them how to ace the Executive Assessment.
- Review scholarship essays.
No, we don’t just teach the EA. We do it all.
2. We have worked with LBS applicants since the program began.
More than a decade of experience is a hard thing to come by in Dubai. But we have it. The same consultant has been working with LBS applicants since the Executive MBA program was launched here. She knows how the program has changed and what the program looks for in students consistently.
3. We work with students every year–you get that feedback.
Hands down the most important aspect of working with us! We work with several students applying to the LBS Executive MBA program during different times of the year.
We will give you feedback from those students about the process so you know the latest information. The details we give you are better than what you will find in any GMAT or MBA forum…it’s the combined experience of several successful applicants FILTERED through the knowledge of a consultant.
Now that you know we are experts, here’s the best time to apply for the LBS EMBA September intake and why.
The Best Time to Apply for the LBS EMBA Dubai September Intake
The deadlines for the September intake are done in rounds that end usually around:
- 1: end of February
- 2: end of March
- 3: late April
- 4: beginning of June
- 5: beginning of July
The best time to apply is Round 1, 2, or 3. That’s right…you should apply for the LBS EMBA Dubai September intake no later than the end of April.
Do you have to apply by the end of April? No, you don’t. We’ve successfully helped students be admitted later than that. But after April is suboptimal. Here’s why:
1. Most scholarships for the LBS EMBA Dubai September intake have a mid-June deadline.
If you want to be considered for any scholarships, you definitely want to apply by the end of April. There are automatic scholarships to LBS Dubai and ones that you have to specifically apply for. You cannot be considered or apply until you are accepted. Most of the deadlines are around June 15th.
If your scholarship requires you to write an essay, you need time to think about it and work through a few drafts. Since there are thousands of pounds and prestige on the line, you don’t want to rush or recycle something from your admissions essays.
All that work takes time…
2. You’ll be relieved to be done by Ramadan and the summer.
Wouldn’t you love to have a peaceful Ramadan, Eid 1, Eid 2, and summer? Of course, you would. The best way to get that peace is to know that you set for September.
Many people think of this the opposite way. They think they will have more time to prepare for the application, interviews, and EA if they do it during the holidays. Unfortunately, this way of thinking simply heightens your anxiety when you should be resting.
Once September starts, you’ll be double-timing it.
3. You can prepare your job and family.
The LBS Executive MBA is a long haul. It’s almost two years time from work, weekend classes, late dinners, and ruined weekends.
You need to prepare your family by taking them on a mega summer vacation before the program starts. You also need to prepare your job because you may be handing off some responsibilities or renegotiating your commitments.
If you want a smooth transition, this planning will take time. Prefer to struggle during the first few months of the EMBA program? Then apply late.
4. You are more likely to be invited to special LBS events.
Throughout the year, LBS Dubai hosts special events for applicants, accepted students, and current students. We’ve known students to be invited to tea with the LBS dean (who had flown in from London), drinks at swanky Dubai hotels, and much more.
Trust us…you want to be invited.
For applicants, an invitation is a good sign you’ll be accepted. For accepted students, you’ll start networking and transforming (which is a big part of what you want from the program).
So what’s the best time to apply for the LBS EMBA Dubai September intake? By the end of April, definitely.